Gauge, Knitting, Shawl, Swatching


Ah, gauge…the bane of many a knitters’ existence. We diligently swatch, block, and measure, and just when we think we’ve got it – it’s snatched away for seemingly no reason at all and we’re sent slinking back to the proverbial drawing board with our heads hung low as we fling that lying liar of a… Read More En-gauge-ment

Carol Feller, Knitting, Shawl, Vogue Knitting Live New York

Shawl We or Shawln’t We? That is the Question…

Sorry about my absence (again) last week, but I was sick. Crazy sick. Stupid sick. I had the wickedmeankiller cold that ate Manhattan. This wasn’t just a cold, it was a Cold…dripping with icicles, frostbite, and phlegm. I do not exaggerate. I could breathe not – not through my sinuses filled with cement – not… Read More Shawl We or Shawln’t We? That is the Question…