
I am an obsessive knitter and love to share my passion for all things raveled by teaching knitting to any warm body who will sit still long enough to cast on.

I particularly enjoy taking good designs and give them a tweak or two – adding shape, color, pockets, or a collar. I dabble in pattern design, but my penchant for cranking out finished projects has impacted my time for pattern writing (which takes almost as long as the designing and knitting!). But I have been encouraged to get my work out there, so this will be the year I publish (she says, with total confidence). 

I really do love to teach whenever I can. Before knitting took over my life, I taught sewing classes to adults – everything from absolute beginners to advanced tailoring. I have designed wedding dresses and quilted wall hangings. Now I happily apply all those creative and instructive skills to knitting.

Knit well. You’ve got this. 

If you’d like to contact me, please email: knicoleknitsdesignATgmailDOTcom (replace the AT with @ and the DOT with . )


10 thoughts on “About

  1. I just found your Podcast this morning. It was about the 5 popular patterns you won’t knit. When you named the first one, the Sophie Scarf, I couldn’t stop laughing as I have made it 5 times already BUT NOT for myself; it is a style that I couldn’t and don’t want to pull off. I also usually make it larger and use a mohair with a fingering wt yarn so it is more like an outside scarf. Fifth one went out in the mail this morning for on of my dils. I knit and crochet gifts for family, friends and the manicurist, mailman…….and now I found your podcast to watch….Got to finish the one I left to see if any of the other patterns you won’t knit are on my list too!!!!

  2. I would love to see all the knits you’ve made or designed on Ravelry. Are you on it, and if so, how do I search for you? Thank you.

  3. Just found your YOUTUBE videos & I’ve learned a lot from just a few of your videos!! Your teaching abilities & approach to knitting are awesome!!! I love the way you add humor to them as well!! It makes learning fun!!! THANKS

    1. Thanks so much!

      Huge apologies for the slow reply! WordPress notifications have been failing me big time!

      Keep those needles clicking 😀

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